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Chat de Cheshire
Chat de Cheshire

Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2015
Messages: 171

MessagePosté le: 01 Oct 2015, 00:01  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Mickeul16's not exactly what is worrying IS a relief that in the event of migrating ie switching to Free which I have not asked to do yet I can still access my emails......but it is more than than. I need access to the full account with all the invoices from Alice going way back; to claim my Reciprok awards and to be able to download the contents of my webmail Alice accounts. For example, for a TalkTalk account holder, if one was originally with Onetel, the Onetel email account may still be active but you can no longer link it to Outlook Express so that all the emails then stay in the server and not on the PC. So we are not ready to switch over to Free.
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2008
Messages: 19407

MessagePosté le: 01 Oct 2015, 00:37  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

what is the problem with the webmail download?
None, I guess, because as I said your mail account will be switched to "no-plan related",so you can still download your mails to Outlook express without any problem.
The issue with Reciprok awards is a better reason, but you have to know that one day or another Free will switch you to Freebox plan, it'll a non-optional migration
I recommand you to use your Reciprok points ASAP, before Free migrate your mother
Free doesn't hold the brand Alice it use it with Telecom Italia's agreement which is terminating,so Free migrate all the old Alice accounts (excepted the Initial offer which is particular)
Hope you understand all the process and the goal of the switching offer

FreeBox Révolution FTTH 39.99 € Freebox V6 TV by Canal -- Technicien réseau freelance ne me contactez par MP qu'à ma demande, les messages non sollicités ne seront pas lus ni répondus
#SauvezDesVies,RestezChezVous, Télétravaillez
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Chat de Cheshire
Chat de Cheshire

Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2015
Messages: 171

MessagePosté le: 03 Oct 2015, 02:02  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Please please ... You have to help. I did NOT ask to switch from Alice to Free. I have now received an email with all the information about sending either a Box or plug and to send the old one (which is brand new) to said address.


I have tried to log in to my account and am not able to do anything on the account. Il y avait même un lien pour annuler cette résiliation mais des que j'ai appuyé il y avait un message que c’est trop tard. It says that 'VOTRE COMPTE ALICEBOX SERA RÉSILIÉ LE 31/10/2015'

Please please can you STOP this from happening. I am not there...and I am the only one who could even begin to set anything up. So please.........I did not ask for this.. Please could you cancel this and allow me to access my account as per usual as a matter of urgency.

If you need to talk to me, I can give you my number or vice versa.

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

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Inscrit le: 24 Jan 2006
Messages: 22564
Localisation: Quelque part entre le bonheur et le malheur ;)

MessagePosté le: 04 Oct 2015, 09:58  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello again Very Happy

This switch from Alice to Free is an automatic switch, Free doesn't want keep standard Alice plan longer. All informations about this switch (in French) are here :

You normally received an email last year (2014, October/November) :

Cher(e) abonné(e),

Nous sommes heureux de vous compter parmi nos abonnés Alice, marque de la société Free.
Dans le cadre de l'harmonisation de nos services et dans le but de vous faire bénéficier de toutes les innovations de Free, une évolution des conditions de fourniture de votre service est nécessaire.

Nous vous informons qu’à compter du 1er novembre 2014, votre forfait Alicebox en zone non dégroupée sera remplacé par le forfait Freebox Crystal en zone non dégroupée au prix de 35,98E/mois.

Ce nouveau forfait sans engagement vous permettra d’accéder aux services suivants :

Accès Internet en ADSL Haut Débit* incluant notamment :
• nombre illimité de boites aux lettres + accès webmail
• fonctions WiFi et routeur

- Services de téléphonie incluant notamment :
• les appels vers les mobiles en France métropolitaine et DOM et vers les fixes de plus de 100 destinations**.
• des services de messagerie unifiée

- Assistance technique : 3244 (incluse depuis une ligne Freebox, hors coûts de communications depuis un autre réseau que Free)
Assistance en ligne:

Vous recevrez dans les prochains jours votre nouveau modem Freebox qui vous permettra de bénéficier des services du forfait Freebox Crystal

Conformément à l'article L.121-84 du code de la consommation, vous pouvez, tant que vous n'avez pas expressément accepté les nouvelles conditions, résilier votre contrat sans pénalité de résiliation et sans droit à dédommagement, jusque dans un délai de 4 mois après l'entrée en vigueur de la modification.

After the switch, you will continue to access to your @alice mails via a "free access".

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Chat de Cheshire
Chat de Cheshire

Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2015
Messages: 171

MessagePosté le: 06 Oct 2015, 14:39  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi...actually we did not receive any email about any automatic transition to Free..this migration seems to have come about after me raising an issue on 24 September about the problem with the telephone. Seems a bit of a coincidence. The thing is, we received various emails thereafter stating that we had 'fait un demande de migration' which we had certainly not. As I have already indicated, it was not an appropriate time for us to agree to this as there are issues on our account over the months when we had no service whatsoever...neither internet, nor telephone and since with continual drops every few minutes in service. I wished to reclaim the costs or at least be reimbursed, be it either credited to my bank card or as a payment.

However, since last I posted, this migration has happened and it would seem that the telephone works which is a relief. We still have no computer at that address so we can't 'test the system. I hope that we have all the features that we had at least with Alice ie unlimited broadband and unlimited inclusive calls to 100destinations etc.

We have received an email outlining new ID and mdp which also allows me to access Free online and the account. Here are some questions:

What does it mean by FreeboxOnly2432? There is an option, for some reason, to confirm Freebox Debit Maximum...what is this? I suspect it is a faster connection and if so, is it included in the price? I can not find an explanation.

There is an option to switch on Wifi but I see further down the page there is a box to enter WPA code?
Can you advise here? What procedures must I carry out to connect several devices by wifi? Is it by configuring the router? If so, what are the best settings? What about ProxyWOL? Is that so I can wake up the computer from a distance?

Can I reset the AliceBox online just as one could with the Sagem AliceBox? Finally with regard to invoicing, Free states in today's email:
[Si votre forfait débute en cours de mois, votre première facture qui sera
éditée le mois suivant dépassera le montant de votre forfait mensuel car
elle comprend l'abonnement du premier mois au prorata temporis ainsi que
l'abonnement du mois suivant.]

I can not find when our account was last debited! nor when payment is expected or indeed whether or not they have up to date information! Can you help with this? The reason I am asking is that just before all this migration took place when I did not ask for it, I had discovered that we needed to update bank card all that is lost in the system, it would seem.

So if you could help unravel all this, I would be very grateful.
Hope the sun is shining where you are. Autumn has arrived here but it is still warm.

ps Can The new identifiant et mot de passe given to us in the email by Free be changed to something we can remember more easily?
pps Will I have to change settings on TeamViewer (with a new comouter)?
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Chat de Cheshire
Chat de Cheshire

Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2015
Messages: 171

MessagePosté le: 06 Oct 2015, 14:55  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I have found, 'Gerer mon telephone wifi et mon acces SIP'.... can you point me in the right direction in this one...I don't know what to do here. What is SIP?i Is the 'telephone wifi' about calling and receiving calls on a smart phone in the house? And the SIP?
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2008
Messages: 19407

MessagePosté le: 06 Oct 2015, 16:21  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

We have some informations for you:

-For the "Freebox débit maximum" item: once the migration is done, you can ask to have the maximum speed the phone line can support, it's included and free. (you'll have a link in user account management console to ask for it, not necessary to call the hotline Wink)

-Unlimited calls included like Alicebox,but in addition you have unlimited calls to cell phones in France and fixed lines in Tunisia, 10 hours to fixed lines in Algeria (So only advantages to migrate!)

-You'll have to activate Wifi from the user account (router mode is already active), you can generate or reuse the wifi key you had with your Alicebox to facilite the setup of your wifi devices

-No, you can't reconnect to the ADSL line the Alicebox, Only the Freebox will work after migration from Alice to Free

-The swap procédure: the day of Freebox delivery=>it's necessary to pack all the Alice equipment in a unique box to make the exchange, the UPS deliverer will take your pack with all Alice equipment, and will deliver the Freebox equipment pack

-For the billing: no pro rata, you pay 1 whole month to Alice, and then 1 whole month to Free, don't consider the generic mail sent by Free

-You can change the password of Free account (and only the password) when migration is completed, from your user account management console

-Don't consider SIP option (it's an old useless option from Free before WhatsApp,Viber and so on were created), the phone runs directly plugged in the Freebox (don't put any ADSL filter on the phone wall, plug directly the Freebox to it)

Hope you understand all

FreeBox Révolution FTTH 39.99 € Freebox V6 TV by Canal -- Technicien réseau freelance ne me contactez par MP qu'à ma demande, les messages non sollicités ne seront pas lus ni répondus
#SauvezDesVies,RestezChezVous, Télétravaillez
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2008
Messages: 19407

MessagePosté le: 07 Oct 2015, 12:30  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Kate
Our technicians saw your mother have received the Freebox and plugged in, but for the moment didn't see if she has given the Alicebox to the deliverer
Our technicians saw the Freebox is in factory configuration, could you tell to your mother to unplug and replug it to make a reboot and then activate the router mode and wifi (and solve maybe some desynchronizations the technicians saw )?

FreeBox Révolution FTTH 39.99 € Freebox V6 TV by Canal -- Technicien réseau freelance ne me contactez par MP qu'à ma demande, les messages non sollicités ne seront pas lus ni répondus
#SauvezDesVies,RestezChezVous, Télétravaillez
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Chat de Cheshire
Chat de Cheshire

Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2015
Messages: 171

MessagePosté le: 08 Oct 2015, 03:40  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Mickeul
Thank you for all the information. I am writing at this instant just to say that my mum does NOT have a computer... And hasn't had one since, I think, July. This can be seen I am pretty sure by the technicians as there has been no activity from her account for a very long time with the exception of a week at end of August. If your technicians saw some desynchronisations on the line....then this suggests to me that there is still the original problem we had with the service since January 2015..... The Sagem AliceBox showed deconnexions tout le temps...impossible to have a telephone conversation without it cutting out frequently. This is why the box was changed, FT/Orange was contacted to check the cables etc and when finally the new A,icebox V5 was sent, we continued to have disconnections, then our computer died, the telephone worked a bit but with constant disconnections and then stopped working altogether at the end of August. I really hope upon hope that the desynchronisations, you mentioned, are not indicative of a continued problem.
Until a new computer arrives there, I guess we can not do much.
ps When I mentioned AliceBox in previous post....I meant the new .freebox and being able to interroger le tableau de bord like on the Sagem. You could watch so much activity...quite fascinating but the most important feature was that you could reset it from a distance ie from abroad. This was always useful...particularly as it failed so often .... And it was a way of being able to help my mum.
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Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2015
Messages: 102

MessagePosté le: 12 Oct 2015, 11:38  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Could you, at least, ask your mom to restart the box ? She just need to unplug it a few seconds then plug it... Routeur mode and wifi are still not activated.
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Chat de Cheshire
Chat de Cheshire

Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2015
Messages: 171

MessagePosté le: 27 Nov 2015, 01:20  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Gillesd
Finally around 17 November 2015, a friend lent my poor mama his old laptop (another hassle as everything is in Dutch!) ... Anyway he did manage to connect to the internet and did manage to access her email box...though they remain on the server. Anyway, we are back to the original problem (which we had from the beginning of the year) yet again ...this from samedi 24 novembre il n'ya plus de service....there is no internet and no telephone.
Can you look into this from your side?
Thank you.

ps: la Freebox s'affiche PPP
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Inscrit le: 06 Sep 2005
Messages: 68415

MessagePosté le: 28 Nov 2015, 09:21  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


La première chose à faire : Il faut appeler la hotline Alice et ouvrir un ticket incident ..

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Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2015
Messages: 102

MessagePosté le: 02 Déc 2015, 12:10  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Kate, we've checked box's logs. These logs show a great number of errors causing internet disconnections. In order to find the origin of these disconnections, opening an incident ticket is mandatory.

This means technicians have to come to your mother house. Could you handle this from England and organize all the rendez-vous which cant be missed ?

Did you already open an incident ticket ?
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Chat de Cheshire
Chat de Cheshire

Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2015
Messages: 171

MessagePosté le: 02 Déc 2015, 16:11  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bonjour Gillesd
Non pas l'avait essaye de le faire a partite de site de vais ressayer. The system took me to a page where I selected error showing in box as 'PPP' and it hunted to analyse....then ...NOTHING..the page just hung....j'ai l'impressiom que c'est une continuation de meme probleme depuis Janvier.
I am back to familiar problem of how to raise a ticket incident from ECOSSE (je suis d'origine ecossais pas anglaise....(donc celts!)). I will try again. However in answer to your question about handling this from problem,,.my mother will be there to do what is needed and I can be at the end of the phone. Would you be able to raise the ticket incident because of the problem I have been having with the Free site freezing? I really appreciate your help.
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Inscrit le: 13 Sep 2015
Messages: 102

MessagePosté le: 02 Déc 2015, 19:26  ->    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Unfortunately we cant open an incident ticket on your behalf... You must do it or maybe someone speaking french can call 3244 ?
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